
District 9. It speaks for itself.

I really do absolutely love getting advanced screening passes to upcoming movies.
See, I bet there will be hundreds of people tonight just at any given local movie theater premiering District 9 lining up for hours just to see it as soon as possible.
So its super sweet when you get to see it days before them for free and only have to wait in line for a couple hours. Plus there's always those little "free stuff" tables full of promotional junk but who doesn't love free junk?
In any event, I can't honestly say I was expecting a whole lot from District 9.
I kind of just jumped to the quick conclusion that alien movie=lame semi-entertaining piece of crap. But I've been taught a valuable lesson I suppose...never judge a movie by its cover...or genre...or trailers? Haha who knew? Its ironic, too, because I feel like I've been expecting so much of the recent block busters and I've been leaving disappointed almost every time.
Anyway, I should have known someone like Peter Jackson wouldn't choose a ridiculous movie. What a wonderfully well thought-out story line, I'm impressed for sure. I don't even want to explain the plot at all here because explanations do the film no justice whatsoever.
I will say though, it is basically a story of a man who's entire life changes on an unimaginable scale after just a few short days of doing his job. Though, his job does involve evicting Prawns from one concentration camp to place them in another for "humanitarian reasons" so as you can imagine, they probably run into some issues with that.
I'm really not an action fan or an lame alien movie fan, but honestly I advise every single movie-goer to get in line as soon as possible. I've heard the movie is loosely based on South Africa's Apartheid. It definitely draws parallels and is probably the most likely case but I'm not 100% sure.
Anyway, I give this movie an A for sure.
Please everybody see this.
Best song of the movie: This movie is very engaging...I didn't pay a lick of attention to music at all.

Suggestions welcome.
362 to go.


  1. Great review, keep up the good work

  2. i wake up every shiny day and cannot wait to read your insightful, beautifully heartfelt reveiws

    ive come to the conclusion that i would not be able to live a single day without your blog. KEEP IT UP! good luck, the world needs to hear your voice!!!
